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The Committee has become increasingly aware, both through visits to wards and from evidence given before us, of a desire for changes in or modifications to the method of taking and implementing decisions in the hospital. We are more likely to arrive at the correct solution if as many organisations, groups and individuals as possible let us know their views as to what changes are necessary. We, therefore, have drafted three short questions:

1. How and by whom should the policy of each ward be decided, and what matters should be included?

2. Is there need for a monitoring and corrective body in the hospital responsible for looking at problem areas and problem wards? If so, could this be a multi—professional body responsible for coordinating the work of the hospital?

3. Have the answers been agreed between the professions? (Not appropriate for answers by individuals or some groups, e.g. students.)

We ask that doctors, administrative staff, heads of departments and COHSE and NUPE and the Royal College of Nursing representatives should consider these questions and give us their answers if possible by the time we return in November. Agreement between all groups is, of course, highly desirable. We also welcome contributions from any other groups, formal or informal, for example wards, students and, just as important, from individuals. Contributions, however short, should be sent to the Secretary of this Panel or direct to myself as the Chairman. We are asking for a copy of this statement with a copy of the questions to be sent to all wards and offices, and if any further guidance is required we will very gladly give it.

Secretary to the Panel: Mr. G.A. Ferguson c/o South East Thames Regional Health Authority Randolph House 46-48 Wellesley Road Croydon CR9 3QA	Chairman Mr. J. Hampden Inskip Q.C. 3 Pump Court London E C 4 Distribution: All Legal Representatives, Health Authorities and throughout the Hospital (to include all Consultants and other Medical staff, the Sector Administrator, Divisional Nursing Officer, Heads of Departments, all Wards and Noticeboards) 18th September, 1975