Photos from the asylum

St Augustine's in the 1970s

Hospital Plan from 1973, updated at that time to feature the new Rowan Ward, and the transformation of Elm into Elm / Pine / Poplar, and Elder into Elder / Lavender / Linden

Hospital Plan from 1973

1973 Nurses' Prize Giving, featuring the winners. Robert Hayward back row, 5th from left; Graham Solly 8th. Andrew Heenan had already bolted to sell his book token.

1973 Nurses' Prize Giving - winners and VIPs

1973 Nurses' Prize Giving from the local paper

1973 Nurses' Prize Giving from the local paper

St Augustine's corridor

St Augustine's corridor

1973 Internal Phone Directory

1973 Internal Phone Directory

The Reverend Fulljames, Church of England Chaplain.

REv. Fulljames.

1974: Demonstration for Nurses' Pay

May 1974 - Nurses' pay demonstration