Asylum Years: Treatments home page Treatments Index

Press cuttings down the years

1973: Ray Rowdens first claim to fame

Rowden's Mexico report

Follow up to the Mexican Adventure

"How Ray rose from builkder to top nurse in 3 years"

1973 Nurses' Prize Giving from the local paper

1973 Nurses' Prize Giving from the local paper

1974: Demonstration for Nurses' Pay

May 1974 - Nurses' pay demonstration

A Profile of the Reverend Fulljames

A Profile of the Reverend Fulljames

Princess Anne visits the Fete, 1984

Princess Anne visits the Fete, 1984

Facing closure

Kentish Gazette articles about St A's

Kentish Gazette articles about St A's

Princess Diana visits, October 1990

Princess Diana visits, October 1990

The Book - Asylum Years: Back to the Future?

Picture Galleries - History in pictures.

Eye Witness - Memories from the aylum.

In The Media - St. Augustine's in the news.

Treatments - Unusual, unorthodox or esoteric

Enquiry Matters - Critiques, Inquiry & after

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