Box, Birch, Magnolia, Ash, Heather, Hawthorne, Hazel, Elm, Maple
Living conditions, medical matters, paramedical therapy, ECT, linen, requisitions, patients' moneys
The 'J' enquiry, Compaints procedures, Mr IN, HAS Report, Teaching at Ward Level, Investigation of the Critique
Ward level, Above ward level: Professions, Management Committee, District
Roles & Systems, Professions, Doctors' workloads, Hospital frameworks, Hospital management team
Download the entire report (in PDF form):
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The Critiques and the Report of the Committee of Inquiry have been reformated for publication online, but no text has been added, altered or omitted. The changes have mainly involved breaking the long pieces down to more accessible length. Links have been added to ease movement to next/previous page, next/previous section, and to return to this page or the Asylum Years home page.
The Report as published included both parts of the critique as appendices; here they precede the report as they should. Two articles written to respond to the report, one by Dr Ankers, one by Ray Rowden are included too.
Scanning and publishing documents printed 50 years ago is not an easy process, and does carry a risk of errors creeping in. Such 'typos' are not intentional and are corrected when identified: they should not reflect on the original material.
In his introduction to the Committee of Inquiry's report, Mr Inskip noted:
"Although we have endeavoured to produce a readable Report in which each Section grows out of those which precede it, we recognise that it is long and that there will be some readers who will not wish, or have the time, to get too deeply enmeshed in the affairs of St. Augustine's. We commend to them ....
Sections 1, section 5 and section 6 (in their entirety)
Section 2, paragraphs 154-156 and 238-239
Section 3, paragraphs 31-40, 41-55, 103 and 106-107
Section 4, paragraphs 15-17, 47-48, 51 and 112
Download the entire report (in PDF form):
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